So my name is Sarah and I LOVE my dog. I said it. He has human qualities.
First of all, have you ever seen a sweeter baby than this one? I have had many MANY dogs in my life (R.P., Hershey, Angel and the NOTORIOUS Cuddles who has out lived Hershey and Angel). But none compare to the precious Cole! AKA Coley B., the little bear, sweet love and countless other nicknames this dog child has.
The first pic is about 2 years ago...did I mention Cole is cross-eyed (magical trait). The second is Cole's first time on the boat. Bonnie put the hat on and I added a life vest, because this Lab is no swimmer. See he's smiling.
On a crazier note: my GBS (that' Grand Big Sis in Greek Lingo), R.Bert
and I share a crazy similarity. We both had Bichon's name Cuddles.
My Cuddles is:
A. Not Cuddley
B. 17 years old
C. Smells like farts.
If I could figure out how to post a pic of the senile treasure that is a constant odor I would. He's just waiting on the day that the Lord calls him home. Because in the end, ALL Dogs Go to Heaven.
Also, if you would like to help me on blog editing 101, I would love your help.
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