Facebook (oh how I love thee...let me count the ways), kindly reminded me about two important birthdays today of two important (Lauren)friends in my life.
The first is Lauren. Seriously, I have never met someone so giving to others. I met Lauren as a senior in hs when visiting Ole Miss. I stayed at the AOII house and she along with a few others were given the task to entertain me and convince me to go to Ole Miss. Pictured above at R.Bert's 2005 campaign results (she won). I can always count on Lauren for encouragement and a great laugh when I need it (via skype). I also love going to the Target $1 bin to buy stuff for all her little TZ babies. Seriously how cool is she?
The second Lauren is also known as Griff. Lauren is my favorite
red-headed friend from high school (pictured at an Ole Miss game with fellow PCHS alum Ame). Although she is now in Denver (jealous), we keep in touch via fb, twitter, text, you know the usual. Whenever I drove home to the 'wood (S to the H), a stop was always made in STL to see Griff who went to SLU. One of my top 10 college memories involves Griff and Ame's visit to Ole Miss, where we stayed wayyyy to late at Sig Ep and ended up walking home to AOII house at 4 am and Ame admiring our Great Quad. Lauren, although you deleted your blog, I give you a shout out today. And come August and I don't have a job, you are my first visit I will make!
The second Lauren is also known as Griff. Lauren is my favorite

siebert this is the best discovery of my day (it is only 8am)...thanks for the great memory of hosting the senior in high school version of you. haha i had totally forgotten about that. i'll be checking up on this whole operation more often now...no chirp