Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I'm normally not into New Year's Resolutions but for some reason this year I am. This past decade taught me a lot. I graduated from grade school, high school, college, and grad school. I learned to drive. I moved 500 miles away from everything I knew. I learned to live on my own. I didn't move home after college or grad school like everyone expected. I took the road less traveled. And it's been worth it.

I hope this new decade brings even more joy and different challenges.

My New Years Resolutions
  1. Run a half-marathon (I wanted to do it before I turned 25...but this will do).
  2. Make new friends and renew old friendships
  3. Spend less money on frivolous things. AKA These Beautiful Boots!
  4. Cook at home more often. Especially for friends and family.
  5. Be a more positive person
  6. SAVE MONEY. Note to self: Cut coupons.
2010 brought many challenges and joys, highs and lows. Bring it 2011. You are my year.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I Ain't No Pablo Picasso

I am no Pablo Picasso. In fact, I remember my guncle (gay uncle), an art teacher telling me at a young age that Art just was not my gift.

However, I have always wanted to do one of those fun paint parties. Mainly because you get to drink wine and paint. I figured if my painting didn't turn out, I'd be drunk enough not to care.

Well it so happens that I did 2 in the span of four days. I did my first one with my friend Katherine. I LOVE snowmen, so I jumped on the chance to paint one.

Then on Monday, my sweet former boss bought us a party for Christmas. Since I've started my new job, I rarely get to see my work friends in Oxford, so this was a great time to see them and catch up. The theme for this Paint Party was Pointsettia's. I am not a flower person, so AP and I made a pact to make the tackiest flower ever. I think I was more stressed than relaxed. Flowers are hard to draw. I was thoroughly happy when Sarah Kathryn, the owner, brought out the glitter. Glitter makes everything better.



Final Product:

Overall, I am pretty happy. I can't wait to do more, maybe on a weekend where there is more drinking than painting.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sick Day and CHRISTMAS CARDS!!!!

I've been gone for almost 6 months! YIKES. But a sick day and FREE (50) Christmas cards brought me back.

I have been battling an upper respiratory infection. AKA "the crud" for
about 3 weeks. I thought I was over it until yesterday morning I woke up with an "elephant" sitting on my chest. A quick trip to the doctor and I'm feeling better. However, I was sent home from work today because everyone didn't want to get my diseases.

Secondly, my favorite thing about Christmas is sending and receiving Christmas cards. I have so many great memories at Christmas running to the mailbox or "call mail" as we pulled on the street. My dad's fraternity brother and his wife send a card and "newsletter" every year that is HILARIOUS. It shares WAYYYY TOO MUCH and I think that is why I love it. Every year my mom spends a crazy amount of time finding the PERFECT picture to go in the PERFECT card. and then I spend TOO MUCH TIME stuffing and addressing these cards.

NO MORE! Shutterfly is offering 50 free cards to bloggers!! Check out the link here. I am waiting on the pic from my mother.
Some of my favorites are:
More designs can be found here.

They also have great gift ideas. The kids I babysat for in college used to give me these great calendars. They were so cute that I would have to hid it from my mother. Best gift ever!

Shutterfly does so many other amazing things. Check it out. Hint Hint my birthday is in a month!

And here is my plea. SEND ME CHRISTMAS CARDS! I have a super cute card sign that only has 2 cards. Thanks S.Marz and Giggles & Dan. I mean seriously, how cute is this sign? Don't mind my bad lighting!

In the words of my sign: Merry Christmas Y'all!
