Here is my first post. I'm trying to commit to something as I begin a new chapter in my life. For the first time---I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I AM GOING TO DO NEXT YEAR! As many may know, my grant isn't being renewed. Although I am sad that this little part of my life is over. I'm ready for bigger and better (errrrrr...hopefully) things!!
On a side note....4th of July was this weekend. It was my FIRST in Mississippi and 2nd in the South (of my 6 years below the MD line). Last year was spent running from the cops and piling my cousin's HS baseball team into the mini and speeding off (glad the parents trusted me as the accomplice). But one of my best friends from college/former roommate and family came into town to spend time with us. You know how you meet people that you just instantly fall in love with? Friends/Family at first sight! We love the Ruello's and their precious friendship to our family!! Plus whenever they come into town there is TONS of food, drinking and staying up WAY too late from laughing.
Spent Saturday on the boat with some of my friends in Oxford! Kelsey Jo wasn't as scared to jump in this time! That's Kelsey pictured above in her life vest (Rebel colors of course).
Useless Fact: Kelsey started babysitting for a family I babysat all through college...they heard a "Kelsey" was going to babysit for them and immediately thought it was Kelsey from High School Musical. I wish I would've seen their reaction when they saw her.
Useless Fact #2: When we got to the boat the battery didn't work. So we stole one from the boat next to us. NBD.
Saturday Night was spent at the Wellsgate Tailgate...parade and all. They had a little fireworks display (with 2 surprise attacks of fireworks from opposite and of the neighborhood). We were that group that wasn't very wholesome. Yelling, drinking and ICE-ING! Yes, I am an ICER.
(bros icing bros---or hoes icing hoes, whatevs). Well Rachel and I tried to Ice people all night, both her sisters (one LOVES the Ice).
Sunday was spent on the boat again. Battery dead again. Robbery committed again. Jumping into the lake a lot and dodging beers thrown into Sardis by Dennis F. Siebert (college athlete my ass). Followed by a face plant by Rach.
Overall good weekend. Hopefully my posts will be better in the future.
P.S. How do you add more than one picture?!! Seriously, am I that out of the loop. Should've never canceled my livejournal account.